月亮石 Moonstone 長石族系,是一種矽酸鹽礦物,由於內部含有帶狀或平行的結晶薄片,在光線照射時產生蛋白或藍色光芒,“戀人之石”,相愛的人把它當作定情的信物。配戴守護愛情的月亮石,無論對方身在何方,都會彼此牽掛,不會感到孤獨無助
please check the moonstone video as below
🔮 功效🔮
✔️ 女性魅力及柔美本質,散發潛藏魅力
✔️ 抗抑鬱、幫助個人舒適地入睡治療失眠
✔️ 可調飲食習慣達到減肥美顏的功效
✔️ 有助冷靜思考,改善急躁個性
💌 配戴攻略 💌
↗️ 職業:教師,導師,演講者和報導員
↗️ 潤滑感情,解決情侶紛爭,令情侶增進感情更加融洽
↗️ 提高覺察力,增加自信、激發潛能
↗️ 舒緩經前症候群、安胎、助孕
↗️ 結婚十三週年的紀念寶石
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💎We ensure you will get the same product with the picture
💎Please DM us and we will show you if you are interested in more about different types and different size of the Enhydro Quartz.
💎no Refunds and no Return Policy.
💎We only sell the natural Crystal, Mineral, Fossil and Gemstone. The natural things maybe not perfect, perfectionist please think it again before order