11mm 阿魯沙手鏈 Arusha Sunstone Bracelet

11mm 阿魯沙手鏈 Arusha Sunstone Bracelet

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阿魯沙Arusha Sunstone,Hematite in Oligoclase Feldspar 含赤鐵礦的綠色斜長石,商稱:阿魯沙Arusha Sunstone。一種充滿正能量的水晶,擁有療癒功效,有助於舒緩悲傷的情緒。
🔮 功效🔮
✔️ 加強財運,幫助升職和工作方向
✔️ 調整腸胃健康
✔️ 增強自信,做事勝券在握
✔️ 可增強運氣,減少負能量影響
✔️ 面對客戶倍添說服力
✔️ 可以加強肌肉活力
✔️ 懂得自我約束,緩和自身的壓力,達到目標
✔️ 增加人緣,多遇貴人
✔️ 增強注意力、親和力
✔️ 隨時隨地保持清醒、敏捷

💌 配戴攻略 💌
↗️ 職業:銷售人員、職員、領導者、偶爾會情緒低落的人、強勢的人
↗️ 清理及解放因過往傷痛而產生的悲觀情緒
↗️ 改善人際關係、增加包容性
↗️ 化解小人、化太歲、化煞
↗️ 令上級看重你,認同你的工作能力
↗️ 提高健康及增強生命力
↗️ 長時間佩戴可過濾憂慮氣息
↗️ 改善感冒症狀及哮喘與支氣管炎

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💎We ensure you will get the same product with the picture
💎Please DM us and we will show you if you are interested in more about different types and different size of the product.

💎no Refunds and no Return Policy.
💎We only sell the natural Crystal, Mineral, Fossil and Gemstone. The natural things maybe not perfect, perfectionist please think it again before order