純天然巴西黃水晶貔貅 Citrine Brave Troops

純天然巴西黃水晶貔貅 Citrine Brave Troops

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黃水晶 Citrine 被稱為「水晶黃寶石」,能量強烈,其震動頻率影響人類的太陽神經叢,是投射性能量。被譽為「友誼之石」,代表真誠和執著,意味著美貌和聰穎,象徵富態和生機。

🔮 功效🔮
✔️ 招正財偏財、守財,創造意想不到的財富
✔️ 增強陽氣,家運轉好,好運加強
✔️ 化煞辟邪,化解負能量入侵
✔️ 壓制不祥和保護公司工廠平安
✔️ 彰顯權貴,增強權勢,有助升職
✔️ 驅走邪氣,納來祥瑞
✔️ 預卜災害

💌 使用攻略 💌
↗️ 適合佩戴的人 :想讓家運轉好,好運加強,趕走邪氣,鎮宅辟邪、需要調節財運、經常旅遊、做生意、喜歡賭博、偏行,收入浮動的人
↗️ 鎮宅
↗️ 頭要對着門外/窗外
↗️ 擺放位置宜高不宜低

📏Dimension: around 28x18x15mm
📥 Please inbox for more details 📥
💎We ensure you will get the same product with the picture
💎Please DM us and we will show you if you are interested in more about different types and different size of the product.

💎no Refunds and no Return Policy.
💎We only sell the natural Crystal, Mineral, Fossil and Gemstone. The natural things maybe not perfect, perfectionist please think it again before order