聚寶盆髮晶擺件 Rutilated Quartz

聚寶盆髮晶擺件 Rutilated Quartz

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魔鬼髮 Rutilated Quartz 的髮絲似銀似金又似綠,閃爍著神秘的魔力。晶體絢爛透澈、光彩照人,在不同的光線下,髮絲色彩變化無常,擁有令人著魔的魅力。幫助心想事成,避邪驅惡,永保平安

🔮 功效🔮
✔️ 招正財偏財
✔️ 加強自信,勇氣和魄力
✔️ 辟邪化煞防小人、消災解厄,逢凶化吉
✔️ 令決策果斷作出明智正確的決定
✔️ 助於堅定自己的立場、踏實,且不易上當受騙
✔️ 抗憂鬱,消除消極情緒,同時化解是非
✔️ 提昇你的權威性、氣勢及領導能力

↗️ 職業:時常夜間工作、出入雜氣病氣場所的人

📏Dimension: 31x67x24mm 72.8g

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💎no Refunds and no Return Policy.
💎We only sell the natural Crystal, Mineral, Fossil and Gemstone. The natural things maybe not perfect, perfectionist please think it again before order